Welcome to The Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States (MOFW) we are a 501(c)4 Organization. We are one of the oldest Veterans’ and Hereditary Associations in the Nation with a diverse Membership that includes Officers and their hereditary descendants from all of the Armed Services. Membership is composed of Active-duty, National Guard, Reserve and Retired Officers of the United States Armed Services, including the Coast Guard, who have served during one of the wars in which this country has engaged and/or is engaged.
The Seven Purposes of the MOFW are:
- Honor and perpetuate the names of brave and loyal men and women.
- Keep in mind the memory of their martial deeds and the victories which they helped gain.
- Strengthen the ties of fellowship among the Companions of the Order.
- Foster the cultivation of military and naval science.
- Bear true allegiance to the United States of America, based upon a paramount respect for and fidelity to the National Constitution and laws.
- Aid in maintaining national honor, union and independence.
- Foster and encourage the study of American History and particularly of American Military History, to the end that the memory of brave men and women may freely be enshrined and that we and our children may learn from the past to formulate sound policies for the present and future.